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The Astronomical Zodiac Shift: Embracing Astronomical Astrology

"Had the Greek astronomers realized that the vernal point was not fixed for all time in the 8th or rotating sphere (the sphere beyond that of Saturn which contained the fixed stars) but was retrograding among the zodiacal constellations at the rate of one degree in approximately 72 years, and therefore that their tropical zodiacs were not fixed but were moving backcwards along the eclipitic at a like rate, they would not have been invented." -Cyril Fagan, referring ot the tropical zodiac computation, The Solunars Handbook

I was a Leo stellium in tropical astrology. Can you imagine going from the idea of being this kind of super star of the zodiac to the most hated cry baby of the wheel? That's exactly the brick I was hit with when I initially considered making the switch after the logic and facts were bitch slapping me into acceptance. But I couldn't deny how senseless it felt to look up in the sky and literally see the planets somewhere other than where the chart was telling me. At the end of the day, we live here, on Earth, and have a unique perspective, a unique clock, that only we can see turning. In my heart I knew it was time to face these wounds head on, because that's what they were.

I grew up in a man's world with an older brother who I desperately wanted to be like and a father I idolized. I was bullied for being a cry baby and "puff a lump princess." I was made fun of for being scared of the dark and was plagued by nightmares and the social stress of elementary school. Sound like a Leo to you? No. But what I learned to be was tough, confident, powerful and brave because I think every day kind of wants his girl to "cowgirl up" and exude the power he prioritizes. Then, as a teenager, I found tropical astrology and an anchor for my learned personality. Gone was the simpering, soft hearted and kind little dreamer girl. In her stead was the couldn't care less, vitriol and fire of a lionness who shoved her vulnerable cub down and fought the hard world with piss and vinegar. It won me a lot of attention and the sterotype that Leos are beautiful really helped me bury the wounds of my early childhood and teenage years as the weird, "ugly" girl in the group. I harnessed my looks like a golden trophy and used it to my advantage; I was a Leo, that's what we do right? But then came the arrogance accusations, the overly self centered jabs from friends, and the isolation that comes with not allowing anyone to "get to me."

By the time I came to the surrender of tropical astrology masks, there were a pile of wounds to reconcile, face and nurture and it felt really overwhelming as all my Cancerian (stellium) awake in one giant wave from the ocean of subconscious memory and intelligence. I had to reconcile what it meant to be sensitive, a dreamer, and very feminine. I had to learn how to ask others to accept my shift after a life long masking session. I had to figure out how Cancerian energies are immensely powerful and divine in a society that loves to laugh and roll their eyes at it. And as one with incredible celestial magic, it was a responsibility I felt within me to reconcile the stereotypes and "icks" of each sign as the point where those traits really needed to role back. And so I come to you with that inner thought and consideration now. I offer it to anyone who may be curious about their Fagan-Allen signs and astronomical truths where it may be difficult to let go of the attachments we have to the signs we have been told we are. This is only the tip of the iceberg, as I am working on something more in depth at the moment, but wanted to share nonetheless for anyone seeking right this moment.

Aries: Oh tropical Taurus, that inner rage and impatience you feel was never due to the bull dancing with the bull fighter. It was the inner flame, instinctual and illogical, that drives you as an Aries. That inner moral compass will drive you into passionate leadership roles instead of bossy arguments that go nowhere. Why? Because you are an initiator and it's okay to be salty, spicy and engaging where others need the biggest push. Funny how you thought this whole time you were the one that needs some pushing. And maybe you do, Aries are inherently worried about standing out from the crowd because they know as the babes of the zodiac there is a certain vulnerability in their knowledge. But knowledge isn't passion and everything has its place.

Taurus: How could you drop down into Taurus, tropical Gemini, when they seem like such wildly different energies? You're not wrong, your Gemini qualities are very likely tied up in others alignments or planets or with your Mercury sign. The lack of interest and tossing aside things quickly, while a Gemini trait in a different way, has as lot more to do with honest value with you. Taurus' are famous for only being interested or invested in things they believe in or value and so when you get accused of being wishy-washy and fake, it may be time to address your genuine values versus things you think you have to do or should do. You have a special connection to wealth and abundance, and you can tap into it when you commit to things that you value, not what you think will keep you safe within social groups or family settings.

Gemini: Tropical Cancer with all the teasing you get for being here and there, emotionally unstable, and childish in nature. These are all things that are attributed to the parts of you that are actually Gemini. Sometimes Cancers get a bad rap for their emotions, and if you are often anxious, emotional, or back and forth you may want to consider that you could be a Gemini in the scope of astronomical based, Fagan-Allen astrology. You see, Gemini is endlessly curious and is designed to help define the world around it. When there is a lack of understanding in its world, the Gemini can become anxious and nervous (which is usually the insults I see slung at Cancers for being too emotional). It's not because you lack security, but understanding. Your wonder is childlike and it's meant to be as a fresh new view on old things. As Cancers they call you immature, as a Gemini it's a damn gift.

Cancer: As a tropical Leo (in most cases), the stereotype of being self centered and in need of constant affirmation/recognition falls back into energies of self-reflection. You are designed to be self reflective and introspect as this sign is connected to themes around self image, inner inspiration, how place in the realm of ancestral healing, and our connection with divine inspiration. It becomes the predecessor for the incredible creative power Leo has. How can we actualize that power if we are not first self reflective? If you find your signs falling back in to Cancer, your sensitivity, vision and dream state are designed to pour into you to build true security through self awareness; you're not selfish, self centered, or conceited, but remember that it is your responsibility, often built through tribal and community based relationships. Thoughtful and nurturing relationships are your soul food. Remember that others cannot define you for you, though Cancer, that is something that is beautifully your own to curate with careful and intentionally reflective power.

Leo: As a tropical Virgo, you may get a lot of shit for being blunt, straight forward and kind of f'kin rude. The insults of being too critical and too blunt are actually the power of confident and fixed fire. You are larger than life, ruled by the Sun, and are here to shine. Sometimes people may get burned, but it isn't for you to be in service to their sensitivities! Virgo is a mutable sign, and so yes, speaks to some nervous energies and a call to humility and simple living in their spiritual mission. Yours, though, true Leo is to create, to harness that emboldened vision and fire and never look back. You are here to actualize the sense of self you have and simply experience and acknowledge how it interacts with the world around you. You are a straight shot no chaser vibe and as a true Leo (in most cases), you do not have to feel bad or rude for being that. It is only through this kind of gusto and unapologetic energy that you will get the truth you're seeking. Humbling it, simplifying it and changing it is for mutable Virgos.

Virgo: Could you imagine, tropical Libra, that all this time being badgered as a people pleaser was actually the f'kin point of being here for you?! Instead of fighting it and constantly being confronted with this deep need to be of importance to people with "me first" crucibles every other day, that you surrendered to the idea that you are here for a purpose and it is largely centered around service to others! Take a deep breath my mutable, kind of anxious, now Virgo. You are truly moved by mission and purpose, which cannot be filled without engaging the world around you. The trick is to simply know who you are in its purest form, no guilt and expectation from those around you and serve in that embodiment! Your people will find you not just in your arrival of true purpose but whatever you serve along the way. You are a mutable sign, you aren't going to be stuck to one act of service for most of your life. Saturn returns are probably going to be your best friend because your perfectionism is there for mastery, not to feel about about.

Libra: Oh, oh, oh, you little tropical Scorpio. Doesn't it piss you off how everyone says you are really harsh and go straight for the kill? That may not actually be an act of defense but an act of justice because you are truly a Libra. The scales more than anything carry a need to justice, truth, fairness and balance in our lives and while we have all pegged Libras for this need for beauty (hint that could also very well be a supporting role and nourishment to our true Virgos) that beauty is usually the beauty of the justice system and the moral compass they carry. While some peg the Scorpio energy as this near cruel penetration of vision into character (not entirely wrong, this is the gray area between the Libra and Scorpio) it's really the no bullshit meter Libras have and will use at will to make sure this world remains in fair balance of light and dark. Which also means that dark side of you as a Scorpio? It's not your whole personality, dude, it's your shadow half, and the duality you are here to reconcile in your soul that makes you seem two faced at times. Because you do have two faces, and that dark spooky one isn't worth glorifying, but healing in your own inner balance and justice system within. Why do you think you have more relationship problems than a tropical Libra? Lol. Your shadow will find you in relationships/mirrors until you address it within.

Scorpio: My sweet, sensitive boundaryless Scorpio. Oops, I mean tropical Sagittarius. You know how everyone calls you a know it all? Well you are. But only about what you are obsessed with, right? And you tend to be drawn into things you know nothing about if it's connected to someone you have attached to, huh. That's okay! Your obsessions are built into your being so that you can transmute your entire self, as a life/death/rebirth archetype. Those obsessions are medicine. And not only will you transmute yourself, you will impact and transform whatever energies you obsess over. No, I am not condoning stalker level tendencies, keep it in check. It's a gift not a curse lol. But you are truly the alchemist and genetic healer.

Sagittarius: Hey tropical Capricorn, you know how everyone wants to call you a stodgy old person, ranting about how things should be? How they laugh and roll their eyes about your desire for change? Yeah, what if that isn't necessarily your need to achieve and oppress and tell them as it is, but actually your spiritual passion and unique self mastery wisdom. The thing is, it is self mastery of self expression and it doesn't mean that everyone has to do it your way or lose. It means that in your mastered self expression and spiritual passion, you are an enormous, life changing source of inspiration to others. How you inspire them and how they choose to act as a result isn't your responsibility! What a damn relief!! But your interest in life, society and how things work and the meaning in them is a life experience you are designed to engage and have. You learn from life experience more than anyone else and are damn good at it. The passion that bursts forth from those experiences make a huge impact on those around you. You are mutable energy and are here to create change, not initiate and push into motion like cardinals signs (which Capricorn is). Subtle shifts in what you are may immensely change the way you experience life and fulfillment.

Capricorn: Oh sweet and strange tropical Aquarius, are you tired of trying to be some kind of radical system breaker? Are you tired? Have you learned to lean really hard into your desire to impact society and feel the imbalance any time you attempt at being alien level weird? That's because you are really a Capricorn. Your love for social impact and uplifting and legacy comes from the shepherding energy of Capricorn. You want to tend your flock, you want to make it last and sustain long after you perish. This is achieved through perservation and tradition, as we know for Capricorns. But I think the root of the shift comes from your personal beliefs and legacy, and the values and systems that align with that. You are a reminder that we do not always have to destroy what came before us, but nurture it through the evolution of time as the timeless tether between us, the past and the future. You are a born chieftan or matriarch! Own it!

Aquarius: Dreamy, visionary, artistic tropical Pisces. What if I told you that you are a water bearer, that you pour the substance of creation into the world as a revolutionary, structure breaking Aquarius? What if all that "pointless" day dreaming is actual Creator itself sending you the poetry of divine inspiration to share with the world? That your hesitance to do so is the outlier syndrome that comes with every revolutionary and artist. We know that artists are usually keen to the changes we need to make long before society actually makes them. They are the oracles. And so are you. You are not lost at sea but a steward of it. Altered states are your path of mastery to learn, not simply detach, dissociate and die (literally) from.

Pisces: Idealistic, sensitvie tropical Aries. I know, I know, you don't want anyone to know that this is the core of your being behind that angry, can kicking defense mechanism. Of all, you may have the most dramatic fall back as you embrace the idea that you are a transcendentalist and the ideals that you so vehemently fight for behind your tough guy shield are your direct connection to the Goddess herself in all her glory and wisdom, speaking to you to impart what we need to surrender as a collective in order to heal and move forward from the endless loop tropical astrology traps us in. You are not alone in your fight. In fact you are supported by the Divine itself and so your self importance sense of urgency is totally supported. You don't have to be angry about it, but to learn to find strength in softening and allowing that openness and idealism to show through. People would probably listen to you more if you did!

If this resonates, tweaks some brain wrinkles or opens relief in your heart, I am happy to have shared. But I do want to close with one last thought: If it exists, it has a purpose. I do not want to trash tropical astrology, it's here so it has a purpose. I have my opinions on that, just as I have my opinions on Kabbalistic astrology and others I am sure I'm not familiar with. However, I think this is an infinitely valuable source (Fagan's astronomically based astrology) to start with in order to understand who we are.

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